Oberon Aviation have CASA approved pilots on staff to conduct flight checks of aerodrome lighting systems.

Aerodrome and approach flight checks are required by an airport when they commission new lighting systems, replacement of light fittings, facility upgrades, changes to aerodrome layouts or changes to traffic density. All flight checks are carried out to CASA standards, and a report is provided to aerodrome operators post flight.

Flight checks include assessment of;
- Fixtures and Support Structures
- Intensity Control
- Pilot Activated Lighting
- Taxiway and Runway Lighting
- Approach Lighting
- PAPI / VASIS Lighting
- Illuminated Wind Direction Indicators
- Apron Floodlights
- Obstacle Lighting
- Lighting in the Vicinity of the Aerodrome
- AFRU Commissioning

Oberon Aviation CASA approved pilot, Stirling Preston has a CASA approval to conduct flight checks of aerodrome lighting systems.
CASA Approval Instrument Number CASA.LOFLY.0245 Rev 2
For all your lighting inspection needs contact us today.